Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Why is everybody so serious? Acting so damn mysterious. Can you feel that? I need to take it back in time. Can we all slow down and enjoy right now ? Move on, I'm not sure i could. They say time heals everything. But i'm here.. still waiting. I'll Try moving on. even i know i can't do it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yogyakarta, Study Tour 16th December 2009

Wednesday December 16, 2009, me and my school friends went to Yogyakarta for a study tour. We gathered at the campus UIN 5.30am. at our school, it was 9th grade 8 class. Number of 9th grade junior high school students was 303 people. we were on the bus 6, in accordance with our 96 classes. 96th grade students have 39 people. unfortunately, not all 96th grade students come to Yogyakarta. there are 2 people who did not join that, Ilham and Audy. On the trip, we were singing and joking-joking. 12:00 hours, we stopped for isoma (rest, prayer, food) in restaurants Kalijaga, Cirebon. after that, we continued on until 17:00 o'clock, we stopped at one gas station in Kebumen. we had only wanted to use the toilet, but because the journey is still long, we decided to tutor untu eat and wait for maghrib prayers. while waiting for food to come, we sing together. (technically not our students who sing, but our teachers are singing). After dinner and Maghrib prayers, we continue the journey to Yogyakarta. at 09.00 that night, we had arrived in Yogyakarta. takes 1 hour journey to the hotel. Around 22:00 hours the night we arrived at the hotel. off the bus, our group leader took the key from the hotel room of our tutor. in the room, we took turns bathing. after a bath, we feel hungry. and finally, I, destriana, and iin foraging outside the hotel. fortunately, in front of the hotel there is a sale of chicken satay. we returned to the room and ate together. after dinner, we talked. 3 people were asleep namely, iin, cempaka, and rizki. the rest, I, destriana, diliana, riftha, Virna, and Danti was joking-joking. 02.00 o'clock in the morning, we slept and woke up at 05.00 am. Our alternately bathe and get ready. after everything is ready, we had breakfast together with teachers and other groups. Then, we went into their respective buses. We visited the park smart, palaces, and precision passes. 17:00 o'clock in the afternoon, we returned to the hotel. Our bath. after showering, we went to Malioboro and buy souvenirs. . then back to the hotel. 20:00 at night, we all gathered at the cafe for singing along. 20:30 at night, we went to the room and sleep. at 05.00 in the morning we woke up, showered and prayers. ago, we were packed. after everything is ready, our room key and put the luggage / bags we went to the bus, after that we ate in the morning. after eating, we continued on to Kasongan, Borobudur Temple. after that, we went back to Jakarta at 13:00. Along the way, we were singing and joking, joking as usual. we arrived in Jakarta at 02.00 in the morning. me and some friends, staying in school until the morning. My experience and my friends to Yogyakarta will never be forgotten.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Togetherness with Dixdeux (x2)

Dixdeux sangat berarti buat gua. Banyak hal baru yang gua dapetin dari mereka. Banyak hal yang membuat gua menjadi tau apa yang "YA" atau "Tidak". Bukan hanya pelajaran aja yang gua dapetin, hal baru yang gua maksud tadi itu adalah "persahabatan" dan itu baru gua dapetin setelah gua masuk di kelas x2 yaitu, Dixdeux. Oke langsung aja kali, ya. Dixdeux dari sudut pandang gua..
pertama kalinya gua jalan bareng sama temen sekelas di SMA itu bulan Maret setelah ultah gua & UTS selesai. Temen-temen terdekat dengan gua adalah Alviana, Febriyanto, Dean, Geraldy, Iin, Hafiza, Sayidatu, Maysarah, Yolanda. tapi yang paling banget-bangetan deket itu dean, febri, alvi, geraldy, fiza, iin.

* Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011, pertama kalinya gua jalan bareng sama Dixdeux ke binplaz. waktu itu gua makan-makan di PH bareng Febriyanto, Alviana, Geraldy, Rosmalia, Sito, Farhan, iin dan itu pertama kalinya gua fotobox bareng mereka. haha maaf ya agak norak. ya namanya juga sudut pandang gua -_- nah ini dia fotonya :D

yang ada di foto itu, gua, alvi, ebi (Febriyanto), geraldy, rosmalia, sito. Iin sama farhan udah pulang duluan. keliatan banget yah di foto masih pada canggung -_-

* Kamis, 24 Maret 2011
Kedua kalinya gua jalan bareng sama Dixdeux. tapi kalo hari itu gua jalan bareng Febriyanto, Iin, Sito. kalo gasalah itu waktu habis remedial fisika. terus langsung ke BP mau cari kue buat Alviana. ini fotonya..

Bulan April

* Selasa, 19 April 2011
bisa dibilang makin lama kita makin deket. makin sering jalan bareng. nah kalo ini, gua jalan bareng sama Hafiza, Ebi, Destriana, Imam, Cyessa, Yolanda, Reza. waktu itu gua dkk ke Makam Kota tua di BP. ya semacam UGD gitu lah. habis dari kota tua, terus kita foto-foto (always) maklum yah Dixdeux emang addict banget sama foto -__-
nah ini dia..

ini PhotoBox nya..

Bulan Juni

* Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
liburan kenaikan kelas gua, Alvi, Febri, Gerald, Dean pergi ke Dufan. Alvi sih nyebutnya "DO-FUN" hehe. Tadinya mau satu kelas ke dufan, tapi banyak yang engga bisa dateng. yaudah deh alhasil cuma 5 orang aja ke dufan nya.
Ini dia fotonya...

Dixdeux (X2)

Ini dia foto anak Dixdeux :

Foto ini di ambil Hari Rabu, 1 Juli 2011 & hari itu adalah hari terakhir Dixdeux sekelas. Jumlah kami ada 34 siswa, yaitu : Adhira Andayani, Alviana Aslama Anantia, Arief Rahman Prayoga, Arif Hadi Luqman, Cyessa Savitri, Della Mutiasari, Deadora R.M, Dika Andharu, Fabian Rahmat Nugraha, Fachrul Fuad, Faizal Miftah, Fauzi Ramadhan, Febriyanto, Geraldy Nivrianno, Hendy Sandria, Iin Ambarsari, Ila septiana, Ismail Chudori, Juni Erita, Khrisna Bayu Dwitama, Ladini Risdiana, Maysarah, Mevi Renanda, Muhammad dean, Nurhadi Santoso, Nur hafiza, Raffli Farhan, Rosmalia, Ryan Azury, Sayidatu syarifah, Sito Budhi, Ugroseno, Yolanda Febrina Putri